Dentistry for Children – Mouthguards

Does your child participate in organized sports?

While letting your little one enjoy an active and healthy lifestyle, you also need to ensure they’re protected against potential injuries. Giving them the right protective gear can help reduce the severity of injuries.

With the help of mouth guards, kids can lessen probability of damaging their teeth, tongue, lips, and jaw. The price is small compared to the cost of treating dental injuries.

Mouth Guards for Preventing Dental Related Sports Injuries

A variety of mouthguards in different colors.

Mouth guards are protective devices made of plastic. Their shape conforms to the shape of the mouth. When worn, a mouth guard serves as a barrier between the upper and lower teeth, preventing them from crashing in the event of an impact.

Sports injuries can be costly. Add to that, they should be treated as emergencies hence requiring immediate medical attention. Dental injuries, such as knocked out tooth, requires long-term treatment. Tooth needs to be restored as soon as possible so it can function properly.

You can avoid serious injuries along with other potential inconveniences such as missed school days. Moreover, your child can continue enjoying the sport they love. All this is possible by investing in a mouth guard.

Types of Custom Mouth Guards

Not all mouth guards provide the same level of protection. For your child, you’ll want to ensure you’re going for the best option.

Benefits of Using Custom Sports Mouth Guard

As a protective gear, the job of the mouth guard is to absorb impact and protect the teeth from an otherwise serious injury.

With their mouth guards on, your child can shield their mouth against dental injuries. There are various dental injuries that are related to sports. Each may require a different treatment plan.

Your child is more vulnerable to experiencing dental injuries without a protective mouthpiece. According to the Community Dentist Network, the majority (about 84%) of Canadian kids participate in organized sports annually and damaged teeth is one of the most common sports injuries.

Let your child have fun playing their favorite sport without you worrying. Keep them safe from dental injuries with protective dental wear.

Give our team a call at to discuss mouth guards for your kids!

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